This was on my friend Julie's blog and I laughed and laughed, so here I am sharing it with you so that you can laugh and laugh, too.
If Seinfeld was still on..
JERRY: You got a new job? Why didn't you tell us?
ELAINE: I posted it in my blog.
JERRY: Your blog?
ELAINE: Yeah, my blog.
JERRY: You have a blog?
ELAINE: What, you don't read my blog?
JERRY: Why would I read your blog? I see you every day. What are you going to say in your blog that I don't already know?
ELAINE: Well, that I got a new job, for one thing.
JERRY: So that's what it's come to? We don't have to talk anymore, because I can just read your blog to see what's new?
ELAINE: Pretty much.
JERRY: I don't get this whole "blog" thing. Everyone's gotta tell you what THEY think about the world. I don't care what anyone thinks. Why would I care what some idiot in Florida has to say about the new sandwich at Subway?
ELAINE: You get some interesting perspectives sometimes on the blogs.
JERRY: I don't buy it. The only difference between bloggers and those crazy guys who talk to themselves on the street is that the crazy guys don't have computers.
ELAINE: So you don't have a blog?
JERRY: No, I don't have a blog. What do I need a blog for?
ELAINE: Everyone has a blog! Kramer has one.
JERRY: (to Kramer) You have a blog?
KRAMER: Oh yeah.
JERRY: (after a pause) You can type?
KRAMER: (waggling his fingers) 80 words a minute, my friend.
JERRY: What's in your blog?
KRAMER: Oh, you know, this and that. Observations. Thoughts. Recipes.
ELAINE: See? Everyone has a blog.
JERRY: I barely understand him when I'm talking to him face-to-face. I can't imagine what that blog of his is like. Does George have one?
ELAINE: Eh, George, who cares?
Original author: Snide Remarks #545"Sein of the Times"by Eric D. Snider
Published in on June 18, 2007
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