Wednesday, April 14, 2010

guinea pigs

We have guinea pigs, it started out slowly with one male solid white adorable piggie named Snowball. He was so cute and quickly warmed our hearts to the point that we wanted to get him a friend. So several months later we purchased an adorable brown piggie we named Brownie. Well....about 4 months later she bore us 3 cute little gray and white fluffs, that we lovingly cared for, for about 4 weeks then gave to Friends to care and love too.
Well, it seemed our breeding time was done and so we settled down to our normal life... when I found Snowball in Brownies cage. He had managed to push and poke his way under the wall into her cage. Well it's done... its been about 2 months and we have 4 little piggies. They are really cute, 2 are black and white and 2 are gray and white.
Know anyone who wants a guinea pig...we will nurse/love these for about 4 weeks, then they are up for adoption.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Magic Kingdom: king for a day? ...not this time...

Road Rally ride at Disney World


Back in February we earned the "Give a day, Get a day" pass for disney World.

We picked a really fun service project. We chose to make blankets at a local elementary school. We made 2 fleece blankets, and even though Isaac was not able to qualify for the program, because he was to young, he was still able to help us cut and tie the edges of the blankets. We left the school that day feeling good about the service we had just finished doing and REALLY good about the fun that was in store for us as a family at Disney.

Well, we didn't spend time waiting around to use our passes we quickly made our way up to Orlando, FL. We were able to sweetened our already awesome deal by trading up our passes to do the FL resident $99 for 4 parks pass. This meant we only had to spend about $35 for the pass.

It has been so fun to get up there to Disney. We have gotten to the Epcot and the Magic Kingdom parks, but we still have 2 more days/parks left and are anxious to plan those out.

I have posted pix/videos of the two parks we have attended.