Monday, February 23, 2009

Riley plays softball

Riley decided to try her hand at softball this year. She really enjoys softball and is good at it, she is getting a chance to play short stop and catcher. In this clip she is up to bat, and yes I am the lady talking during the entire filming. Sorry about that.

Gasparilla distance kids race

Please excuse my loud cheering and just enjoy Isaac's victory dance.

Friday, February 13, 2009

This is so funny!

We laughed and laughed, then the kids said, " We can do that!!" so stay tuned for exciting YOU TUBE stuff!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Sweet Savings

I love to share information with people, I'm one of those annoying people that will stop a total stranger to tell them about how you need to check out the sale on the next aisle or how you can get an extra $1 off, if you use a coupon from the flyer at the front of the store, you know, that kind of person. So with that knowledge, I must tell ya about my friend Cari, I hope she doesn't mind me blogging about her. She is very talented at doing many wonderful things. (Many of them make me green with envy.) The talent I am blogging about today is that of finding great deals. I know she must put a lot of time and effort into it and I'm glad that she does, because as her friend, I often reap the rewards of her searchs. As of a few weeks ago she has made it possible for all of us to benefit from her hard work. Cari now has a web site devoted to sharing the finds, deals, and coupons she's located. So with that, here are the results of all her work and treasure hunting.

For all you Floridians, You've got to check it out. It'll blow ya away with the savings and great inforamation. Thanks Cari!!

Monday, February 2, 2009

If Seinfeld was still on....

This was on my friend Julie's blog and I laughed and laughed, so here I am sharing it with you so that you can laugh and laugh, too.

If Seinfeld was still on..
JERRY: You got a new job? Why didn't you tell us?
ELAINE: I posted it in my blog.
JERRY: Your blog?
ELAINE: Yeah, my blog.
JERRY: You have a blog?
ELAINE: What, you don't read my blog?
JERRY: Why would I read your blog? I see you every day. What are you going to say in your blog that I don't already know?
ELAINE: Well, that I got a new job, for one thing.
JERRY: So that's what it's come to? We don't have to talk anymore, because I can just read your blog to see what's new?
ELAINE: Pretty much.
JERRY: I don't get this whole "blog" thing. Everyone's gotta tell you what THEY think about the world. I don't care what anyone thinks. Why would I care what some idiot in Florida has to say about the new sandwich at Subway?
ELAINE: You get some interesting perspectives sometimes on the blogs.
JERRY: I don't buy it. The only difference between bloggers and those crazy guys who talk to themselves on the street is that the crazy guys don't have computers.
ELAINE: So you don't have a blog?
JERRY: No, I don't have a blog. What do I need a blog for?
ELAINE: Everyone has a blog! Kramer has one.
JERRY: (to Kramer) You have a blog?
KRAMER: Oh yeah.
JERRY: (after a pause) You can type?
KRAMER: (waggling his fingers) 80 words a minute, my friend.
JERRY: What's in your blog?
KRAMER: Oh, you know, this and that. Observations. Thoughts. Recipes.
ELAINE: See? Everyone has a blog.
JERRY: I barely understand him when I'm talking to him face-to-face. I can't imagine what that blog of his is like. Does George have one?
ELAINE: Eh, George, who cares?
Original author: Snide Remarks #545"Sein of the Times"by Eric D. Snider
Published in on June 18, 2007